
On behalf of all of those who are part of the English and German Philology department at the University of Granada, we welcome you to our website. Since its creation in 1970, we have always managed to strike a balance between the number of junior researchers and those more experienced staff that together form part of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Granada, an institution with almost five centuries of history. Nowadays, our department has more than 60 lecturers and serves more than 700 undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The information on this website is a faithful reflection of the teaching and research activity of our department and, above all, of the philological view with which its members approach descriptive linguistics of the English and German languages, their literatures and Applied Linguistics, not to mention the cultural diversity of English and German speaking countries.

The incorporation of new procedures into teaching activities, the development of innovative lines of research, our presence in
international academic forums, the promotion of the international mobility of our students and our commitment to diversity and inclusion are evidence of our inherent characteristics that have been passed down from those who preceded us and whose legacy we strive to preserve and innovate with our own academic work.