Master's degrees

Degree programme
Course / Subject
Itinerario 2 - Módulo Optativo Específico en Estudios Teatrales
The Elizabethan Stage: Shakespearean Texts and Their Performance
Módulo B: Teorías y Métodos de Análisis Lingüístico, Teórico y Aplicado
Affective Variables in Modern Language Learning and Acquisition: Anxiety and Motivation
Módulo C: Estudios de Cultura y Literatura
From Ancient Greek and Latin Texts to Modern European Literature (German, Spanish, English)
Módulo C: Estudios de Cultura y Literatura
From Ancient Greek and Latin Texts to Modern European Literature (German, Spanish, English)
Lingüística Aplicada a Estudios Ingleses
A Pragmatic Approach to Metaphor: Theory and Empirical Support
Bilingualism: Investigating the Language of Bilinguals
From Words to Images: the Practice of Film Adaptation
Towards a Critical Analysis of Published Empirical Research
Introduction to Research in Applied Linguistics in English Studies
Introduction to Discourse Analysis: English for Business and Technology
Language and Gender: a Critical Perspective
Research Methods in Historical Sociolinguistics of the English Language
Principles and Methodology of Research on the Lexical Component of English
Literaturas en Lengua Inglesa
Approaches to English Renaissance Poetry and Drama
Feminism: Silences and Absences in English Literature
Introduction to Research in English Literature: the Middle Ages to the 21St Century
The Anglo-American Novel between the 19Th and 21St Centuries: Individual and Community
Literature and Alterity: Complementary Approaches to Gender and Post-Humanist Studies
Cultural Materialism and Literature in English
Women, Literature and Cinema in Ireland
Postcolonial Narrative
Origins and Evolution of the English Novel from the 16Th to the 18Th Centuries: Politics, Translation, and Journalistic Discourse
Módulo de Libre Disposición
From Ancient Greek and Latin Texts to Modern European Literature (German, Spanish, English)
The Elizabethan Stage: Shakespearean Texts and Their Performance
Módulo Específico
Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Complementary Training in Foreign Language
Prácticum (Prácticas Externas)
Work Placement
Work Placement
Universidad de Granada - Módulo Optativo
Gender, Art and Literature: the Representation of Women in Literary and Visual
Knowledge, Gender and Translation Geopolitics: from Discursive to the Decolonial Turn
Feminist Research: Case Studies (Ii)
Feminist Research: Case Studies (I)